Thank you to those AEHA member organisations that have participated so far in this year's Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Ethics for SMEs Virtual Forum.
To date, AEHA has been well represented throughout the meeting, with several AEHA members participating as speakers. Below I will provide you with an update on some of the meeting highlights since the Forum's launch on 13 October 2020.
Opening Plenary Session
AEHA Chair Adrian Cosenza featured in the 'Vision' video premiere for the launch of Vision 2025.
MTAA also featured in the 'Voices of SMEs' video premiere.
Ethics Futurist Showcase on Technoethics and Bioethics
AEHA Steering Committee Members Ian Kerridge and Wendy Lipworth joined Angela Ballantyne of the University of Otago to talk on the field of technoethics and bioethics.
Ian Kerridge presenting at the Ethics Futurist Showcase on Technoethics and Bioethics.
Wendy Lipworth presenting at the Ethics Futurist Showcase on Technoethics and Bioethics.
Patient Roundtable
AEHA Steering Committee Member Leanne Wells spoke on 'Measuring the Impact of Ethical Business Practices' as part of APEC initiative’s patients network and roundtable.
Healthcare Professional (HCP) Roundtable
AEHA Steering Committee Member Jane Fitzpatrick joined Jeff Blackmere of the Canadian Medical Association in co-chairing this session.
AEHA Chair Adrian Cosenza also joined the session to add to the discussion on the importance of healthcare professionals and the various stakeholders in ethical healthcare delivery.
Jane Fitzpatrick chairing the Healthcare Professional (HCP) Roundtable session.
Adrian Cosenza contributing to discussions at the Healthcare Professional (HCP) Roundtable session.
Showcase: 2020 Consensus Framework Report & Updates
AEHA Chair Adrian Cosenza presented AEHA's progress update, alongside 9 other APEC economies. The update included insights into how AEHA has been used to facilitate collaboration within the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sincere thanks goes to AEHA Steering Committee Member Alison Verhoeven for her contribution in preparing the presentation.
After all economies had presented their progress report, representatives engaged in discussions with each other regarding the progress and strategies implemented.
Adrian Cosenza presents on AEHA’s progress to date, including the Framework’s use during the pandemic.
Adrian Cosenza presenting examples of the ACF’s application during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Roundtable with APEC Officials on Government Strategies to Encourage Ethical Business Practices – 27 October
It is anticipated that Evan Holley from the Australian Department of Jobs and Small Business, as Chair of the APEC SME Working Group, will be able to attend this important session. I thank all those that have joined the Australian delegation at the 2020 APEC Business Ethics for SMEs Virtual Forum and hope to have you join me in the final week of the meeting.