Framework aims
what is the goal?
The organisations involved in Australian Ethical Health Alliance have agreed to a simple yet effective set of ethical principles, reflected in a consensus framework statement, which participants will endorse and adopt.
The Australian Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration in the Healthcare Sector describes the values and ethical principles that should form the basis of collaboration and interaction among organisations in the health sector. These principles aim to:
Promote collaboration and interaction among healthcare sector organisations and those who work within them that benefits patients, consumers, communities, populations, healthcare systems and the healthcare sector.
Encourage dialogue, trust and respect between and amongst organisations in the healthcare sector.
Enhance the integrity and trustworthiness of organisations in the healthcare sector.
Promote public confidence and trust in healthcare sector organisations by demonstrating a shared commitment to integrity and ethics.
The main role of the Australian Ethical Health Alliance is to assist organisations to develop and modify their own policies and processes in light of ACF principles.
The Framework is not designed to:
Focus on individuals
Be used to develop prescriptive policies
Be used to develop resources for specific organisations
Mandate/monitor/regulate anything other than the reporting of activities related to the ACF.
The Framework is not intended to replace existing policies, ethical statements or codes of conduct or practice; rather to complement and strengthen the importance of collaboration between parties within these sectors through a shared statement of ethical business practice.