Australian Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration in the Healthcare Sector (ACF)
The Australian Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration in the Healthcare Sector (ACF) is a consensus of shared values and ethical principles that form the basis of collaboration and interaction among organisations in the Australian healthcare sector.
Download the latest version: The Australian Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration in the Healthcare Sector (ACF).
It is a sector-lead initiative and participation is voluntary. The Framework is inclusive and embracing – all healthcare organisations are welcome to listen and participate in ACF activities.
Currently 79 member organisations are signatories to the Framework and represent the following sectors:
Biopharmaceutical industry
Government authorities
Healthcare professionals
Hospitals/healthcare centres
Medical device industry
Patient communities
Third parties/distributors.
The 78 member organisations represent approximately:
1 million Australian health professionals, employees and trainees
25 million consumers/patients.